Monday, December 16, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I want to apologize for note posting last week as I was having trouble with my password and logging on to the blog. It seems to be resolved for right now, so here is the information that you need to catch up on.

Last week we started chapter 3 with a lot of new vocabulary and many, new verbs. We will be studying verbs and how to put them in sentences, how they go along with other verbs, what an infinitive is, how to conjugate a verb by itself, and just knowing how to spot a verb and its various endings. This is a huge chapter with many new concepts, so you will all need to put in a bit more effort to understand and keep up.  This chapter will separate the men from the boys shall we say. I suggest flashcards with Spanish verbs on one side and the English on the other side to study them. Same with the new nouns too!

We are also studying the verbs "to like" and "to want" and how they work with other verbs. We are using pronouns in various situations as subjects and with prepositions such as "with".  We are also using new noun vocabulary, new questions, facts about Texas as our cultural notes and we will be doing some listening activities to round out the week.  Since we are entering our holiday season, we will also be studying various holiday traditions in some hispanic countries and comparing their traditions to ours and with each other. We hope to have a holiday surprise at the end of the week.

For people who were absent last week the homework was a new packet doing pages 18, 21, 23#8, 25, 26 #4and #5, 28, and 29. You will need to use the book or get notes from someone if you are having trouble or stay after school with me on Monday (today), Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday until 3:00. No quizzes this week until we work the vocabulary more. After vacation will be better.

Tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: paquete - paginas 27 y 30 (todas las paginas) the whole pages.
martes noche: paquete - paginas 22 (toda la pagina) y 23 #7.
miércoles noche: paquete - pagina 26 # 6 y papel de vocabulario - parte uno.
jueves noche: nada
viernes noche: ¡Buenas vacaciones! nada

Señora Schneider

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

Hope you all had a restful Thanksgiving and enjoyed the extra long weekend! Last week was a short week, but this week we are back on track. We are now finishing up chapter 2 with cultural notes about Puerto Rico, the verb "gustar" = to like, adjectives to describe people and fun things to do, the items that we can enjoy such as movies, books, foods, etc, how to show possession, where you are from, descriptions of items, and relationships of objects using the word "de" which means "of" or "from", how to use various question words such as who, what, where, when, why, which, and how, using the word "because" in a sentence and how everything has to balance in the sentence for singular, plural, masculine, and feminine,  and how to make sentences negative using the word "no". We are having a big test on Thursday and all the above information is on it. We will start chapter 3 next week after we tie up a few loose ends on Friday.

So, with that being said, we will be reviewing and finishing up homework packets, listening activities, vocabulary sheets, essays, dialogs in the book and perhaps seeing the video that goes with the chapter so we can start fresh next week. We have been working in partners with communicative activities and will be working more in groups now that we have changed seats for the new trimester. Report cards go home Friday and most of you should be pleased if you have been working hard and passing in all your work.

This week however is not a good week for me stay after school because my mother is very sick and will need surgery for her back probably Wednesday (tomorrow).She is in a lot of pain and we are hopeful the surgery will take care of that. Luckily she lives close by. I will probably be out tomorrow.

We are having a quiz today as a review for the test, so many of the students will need to study and look over their cultural notes and section 2 notes to prepare themselves. Please do that!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: finish the packet-toda la pagina 14, pagina 18- ejercicio # 21, y pagina 20v-ej. # 21 Study.

martes noche: finish vocabulario sheet, finish essay with three fotografias 8-10 lines. Study.  

miércoles noche: en los libros ( in the books) paginas 70 y 71 ejercicios 3,4,5, sección una en los cuadernos and finish 4 picture essay on the other side of the three picture essay for collection. Study.

jueves noche: calendario de diciembre - 8 holiday ítems labeled in Spanish with "the" and colored. Numbers are in Spanish, of course!

viernes noche: nada
 Buena suerte - Good Luck - Señora Schneider

Monday, November 18, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

One week to go before Thanksgiving (el dia de accion de gracias).We will still be learning new expressions with the verb "gustar" - to like. This is a very basic verb in Spanish and it is important that everyone understands  how it works. We will also be reviewing all our new vocabulary and new adjectives using "gustar" and "ser" by working with partners, doing whole class activities, and working in groups for our quiz on Friday. We will still be taking cultural notes, doing a bit more creative writing, and speaking much more. We should also get to some listening activities and our blue notebooks and will still be using our fotografias for conversations. The quiz on Friday will have the verb gustar, the new vocabulary, and the new adjectives and how to use them in sentences. I am staying for extra help on Tuesday and Thursday until 3:30 and Wednesday until 2:45. Grades close next Wednesday.

Last week, we introduced the verb "to like" along with some new adjectives and new vocabulary that we can like or dislike. The students have done very well with it and now are ready for step 2 of "to like". We finished up our Day of the Dead presentations and everyone should make sure they take all their photos and memento items home. Everyone did a nice job and gave touching stories about their relatives and pets that have passed on. Thank you to the parents also for being supportive!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: en el paquete - pagina 15 - ejercicio 12 y pagina 21 ejercicios 22, 23, 24.

martes noche: en el paquete - pagina 15 - ejercicios 13 y 14 y pagina 16 ejercicios 15 y 16.

miércoles noche: en el paquete - pagina 17 toda la pagina (the whole page).

jueves noche: en el paquete - pagina 23 toda la pagina.Estudien por favor. Hay un examencito mañana.  

Buena suerte,  Señora Schneider

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

¡Buenos dias a todos!

I hope that you all remembered and reflected about Veteran's Day yesterday. Well, today we are back  and ready to continue chapter 2 with likes and dislikes, new vocabulary to say what you like and dislike, how you feel about those things which includes more new adjectives and some more notes on Puerto Rico. We are still finishing our Day of the Dead presentations, so we will be sending home the pictures and props this week. We will be also getting back the adjective quiz we took last week, your calendarios from noviembre, and some other miscellaneous papers. The term is winding down, so if you owe me anything, this is the week to make it up. I can stay Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 3:00pm. Do not wait until the marks close which is the week of Thanksgiving. It will be too late.
Please continue to participate and do your homework to earn euros for extra credit. It will make a difference in your grade.

Last week, we practiced our adjectives by using the white boards and playing a game, did some listening actitivites, played "Ponga" with the Day of the Dead words, worked in groups and tied up many loose ends while reviewing. This week, we will play "Ponga" again with the higher numbers, have another quiz on numbers, question words and answers to basic questions, and work with questions and answers about age.

Tarea por esta semana:
martes noche: paquete nuevo (new packet) pagina18 ej 22, pagina 19a ej 25, pagina 20a ej 26 y 27. Study for number and question/answer quiz tomorrow.

miércoles noche: lista de vocabulario en el libro, paginas 56 y 57 en la sección tres de tus cuadernos. 5 columnas ( 5 columns) - masculino, femenino, masculino plural, femenino plural, inglés.

jueves noche: paquete nuevo: pagina 19v ej 16, 17, 18, pagina 20v ej 19 y 20.

viernes noche: nada

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Buenas tardes,

A few updates: Thursday night's  homework will be the Day of the Dead ponga sheet that many did not finish last week. That way we can play tomorrow in class. PLease put Day of the Dead words in Spanish at the top, English words at the bottom. Other side of the sheet is numbers in Spanish from 30 to 59 at the top, digits on the bottom.

Last week I said that there was no school this week. I meant just Tuesday because of elections. Sorry for the confusion!

Buena suerte,  Señora

Monday, November 4, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, thank you for being so cooperative for the substitute teacher last week when I was out for surgery for three days. Hopefully, I won't be out in the foreseeable future. Last week we learned about the Day of the Dead, compared it to our Halloween, started our Day of the Dead presentations, learned some new vocabulary, learned some facts about Puerto Rico, worked with more adjectives while learning a few more,  created a lengthy dialog conversation with a partner, and created a November calendar with Day of the Dead words and numbers in Spanish.

This week, we will be going over our November calendars, going over more facts about Puerto Rico,  doing some listening activities, working in groups studying adjectives, going over our work from last week, doing some more presentations, having a quiz on adjectives, and possibly playing bingo and watching a video on Friday.

There is no school this week due to the elections. There is no school next Monday due to Veteran's Day. November will be a choppy month for learning. Please stay on track. I will be staying after school Wednesday until 2:30 and Thursday until  3:00 or 3:30 for make ups and retakes. Please make sure that you have completed your packet and all the activities  that I assigned last week.

Tarea por esta semana,

lunes noche: nada or study your adjectives and question words
miércoles noche; pagina 70 en el libro (book) ejercicios 1 y 2, study the adjectives and question words.
jueves noche: nada
viernes noche: nada.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Buenas tardes clases,

This week we will be learning about the Day of the Dead which is celebrated in Mexico at the same time as Halloween. We talked about the differences between Halloween and the Day of the Dead and how people in Mexico celebrate this family holiday. Each of you is supposed to bring in a photo of a deceased family member or pet plus an item that represents that person or pet. It can be a favorite food, hobby item, picture of you doing something with that person, or anything else that is relevant. It needs to come in no later than tomorrow because we are starting presentations in class tomorrow. This English presentation is worth a quiz grade. No items, no presentation, no grade. Most of you cannot afford a "0" for a quiz grade. If there is a problem with getting a family or pet picture, please let me know and I will give you an alternate person to do.

We are all caught up now with our homework packets and questions as of tonight's assignment. I will be collecting the old packet tomorrow for credit. Please fill in any missing items before you give it to me tomorrow. We are continuing our work with adjectives and descriptions of people, how old people are and numbers up to 1000. We will also be writing a dialog this week with a partner in class, learning about Puerto Rico, doing a comparison of Halloween and the Day of the Dead using a Venn Diagram, filling out a bingo sheet using Day of the Dead vocabulary and numbers up to 50, and doing a November calendar. You guessed it - the pictures of the calendar will be 8 items in color about the Day of the Dead and labeled  in Spanish using "el, la, los, and las." Don't forget uno/primero and look up the birthdays of your fellow classmates and put them on your calendario!

We also selected new country partners last week and will incorporate the capitals in with the countries too. I will be out again for leg surgery this coming Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I expect all work to be completed in a timely manner and all of you to have the utmost respect for the substitute that comes to cover for me. We will continue presentations next Monday when I come back. We will hopefully get many done tomorrow.

Tarea por esta semana,

lunes noche: Pagina 8 en el paquete viejo (old packet) and pagina 13a en el paquete nueveo. Also bring in your day of the dead items if you have not done so already.
martes noche: pagina 15 in the paquete nuevo and the top half of the vaocabulary sheet that I will give you today.
miércoles noche: paginas 6 y 12 en el paquete nuevo.
jueves noche: calendario de noviembre - números en español y 8  cosas (items) del día de los muertos. See above note, 2nd paragraph.
viernes noche: study for adjective quiz next week on Tuesday.

P.S. By the end of the week you need to have turned in your partner dialog, the Venn Diagram comparing Halloween and Day of the Dead, your calendario on Friday, the magic square sheet, and your bingo sheet. The exercises in the book will be done with a partner and need to be finished also. Don't forget you can work on your Picasso project after everything else is done.

 I will be staying after school tomorrow for test corrections and finishing  up the tests from last week.

As you can see, we will have a busy week even though I will be out a few days.  Be kind, be helpful, and be respectful to the substitute. We can always have an after school session the following week if need be. Thanks in advance for your cooperation! Señora Schneider

Monday, October 21, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

This week we will be starting a new chapter on adjectives and describing people such as ourselves, our friends and family and celebrities. It is a fun chapter and we will be learning lots of new vocabulary  words to express our likes and dislikes also in the coming weeks. Right now, we will be focused on the new adjectives and how to describe people we know. By the end of the week, we should have a good base of descriptions through the use of pictures, partners, and conversations in class. We will be starting a project for the Day of the Dead which always  coincides with Halloween. This project  will go into next week but we will need to prepare for it this week. The Day of the Dead is a holiday about celebrating the lives of our ancestors and loves ones who have passed away. Each student will be required to bring in a picture of a deceased relative or pet and an item that represents that person or pet. We will be presenting them in class next week and setting up our class "ofrenda" or shrine to our deceased relatives. More info to follow at the end of the week.

Last week and today, we finished up chapter one by taking our chapter test on Thursday. We collected our packets, finished up our homework, finished our listening exercises, and finished up the cultural notes on Spain. I am also hoping to watch a video on chapter one if time allows. We have a half day this week on Wednesday, so that will cut into our learning time. If you did not finish the test last week, I am staying after on Tuesday and Thursday of this week and if you only have a little bit left, you can possibly come to homeroom to finish it.

Tarea esta noche:
lunes noche: make a list of adjectives from pages 44 and 45 in the book. Seccion 3, 5 columns.
martes noche: paquete nuevo - paginas 16 y 17 - todas las paginas.
miércoles noche: paquete nuevo - 11 y 13v - todas las paginas.
jueves noche: paquete nuevo - paginas 14 y 18 - todas las paginas
viernes noche: El Dia de os Muertos (Day of the Dead) - bring in a picture of your loved one and an item that represents them for Monday.

Buenas noches,   Señora Schneider    

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and is ready to work hard for the next few days. we will be reviewing for a chapter test this week after finishing up a quiz that we started last Friday. The chapter test will be on Thursday, October 17th and will be on just about everything that we have learned so far. It will include the subject pronouns such as yo = I, tu =you, el = he, and all the rest, the verb to be = ser and all the forms that go with the pronouns, time, the greetings such as all the hellos, all the goodbyes,  all the different forms of how are you and the responses, the numbers to 30, the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons, the questions such as what day is it, what is the date, what time is it, what's your name, his name, her name, who is he/she, what is your telephone number, his/her telephone number, what is your email, his/her email, the different forms of you and how they are used, and all the cultural notes about Spain and general hispanic culture that we have learned. I know it is a lot of material, but we have been studying it all since the beginning of  September.

Please study, look at your notes and make flash cards for some of the vocabulary if you need to. We have a short week this week as Friday will be Spirit Day and there will be no formal classes.

Tarea por esta semana:
martes noche: pagina 9a en el paquete and finish the time sheets if you have not turned them in. Collecting them tomorrow.
miércoles noche: pagina 4a en el paquete and study for the test tomorrow. Take your book and notebook home. Page 32 and 33 in the book exercises 1 thru 6 if you have not finished them in school.
jueves noche: nada

Buenas noches - Señora Schneider

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, I am finally back after being out for three days last week due to leg surgery. A big thank to Mrs. Camacho for doing a very thorough job with continuing to help the children learn Spanish and expecting them to complete all the work that I left for them. Aside from a few students not being as cooperative as I had asked, the majority of you were very good and I appreciate that. Special thanks to some students who stepped up and helped the class with understanding some problems. Also, thank you all so much for my wonderful get well cards! Again, thank you Mrs. Camacho for coordinating the cards. How thoughtful of all of you!

This week we will be catching up from last week and reviewing all the work that you all did with your partners. I just want to check to make sure that you understand the verb "ser", how to tell time in Spanish, and review the months, days, seasons, and numbers using phone numbers and emails in Spanish. We will also have an October calendar with Halloween/fall pictures. More listening activities, more cultural notes, more classroom expressions and commands, and more partner work will round out the week. We will be having a quiz on time and the verb "ser"on Friday and probably our first chapter test at the end of next week.

I have just recently noticed that a few individuals in each class are choosing not to do some of my homework. Bad Choice! I have spoken to all the classes in no uncertain terms that this will not be tolerated. Some of you will not be pleased with the comments of the progress reports. I will be staying after on Thursday after staying after today for make up/ catch up work. I cannot stay this Wednesday or Friday.

Tarea esta semana:
 lunes noche: calendario de octubre: 8 fotografías de Halloween/ fall en color y en español.
martes noche: paquete: paginas 9v y 10v -todos los ejercicios.
miércoles noche: paquete: paginas 8v y 11v - todos los ejercicios.
jueves noche: paquete: paginas 8a y 10a - todos los ejercicios. Examencito mañana - ¡Estudien!
viernes noche: nada

Adios,   Señora Schneider

Monday, September 30, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

We will be  learning more interesting things this week about telling time, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, colors, classroom expressions, and cultural notes about the Euro and the artist Pablo Picasso. When we start telling time in Spanish,  right now we will be using conversational time, not military time. Some students have trouble telling time when we get to quarter of six (5:45)  or five of ten (9:55), so it might be confusing because we are in such a digital age. Analog clocks can be a bit tricky!

We have been using and working in partners on many days and it seems to be going smoothly. We will be doing more of that and some group work too as the weeks go on. Last week worked out well with some  book exercises, our first listening exercises, 2 quizzes and a bingo game. We also learned about conjugating the verb (to be) and how we use pronouns in Spanish. It was eye opening for some students! Some cultural notes about Spain rounded out the week.

This week will be a bit different, however. I will be needing leg surgery on Wednesday and will also be out on Thursday and Friday to recover. While I am out, the students  will still have homework in their new packets plus some other activities if they do not finish them in class. I am planning the best way to have minimal impact while I am gone. The same substitute should be in to cover for maximum continuity. I expect the students to cooperate with each other, finish all their work, and be respectful to the substitute. It will be collected and graded also.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but it is a surgery that I can no longer put off. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Tarea esta semana:

lunes noche: Old second packet- Pages 3g, 4g, and 4a which will finish that packet, all the sheets.
martes noche: New packet - Pages 6a and 7v, the whole page on both.
miércoles noche: Finish any left over worksheets for collection and do the time worksheet. (separate)
jueves noche: New packet - pages 5a and 7a the whole sheet on both.
viernes noches. Nada- Have a good weekend.

¡Buena suerte!  Señora Schneider


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

¡Hola clases!

Just a quick update to this past Monday's blog. We will be having another more formal quiz on Friday that will be on How are you? and all the responses, Where are you from, where is he/she from? and all the  responses, all the hellos, the goodbyes, nice to meet yous, and basic words like classmate, student, friend, boy, girl, teacher, Mr. Mrs. Miss, how to pick out a subject and verb, Who is she/he? and responses.

If you need extra help studying, I am staying after this Thursday until 3:15 and you can also make flashcards to help you study. See me with any questions.

Buena Suerte,   Señora Schneider

Monday, September 23, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

I hope that you all had a nice weekend and are ready to get back to work. This week we will be focusing more on facts about Spain, hispanic capitals and countries, cultural notes about general hispanic facts, questions such as where are you from, how are you, what is your telephone number, and using more pronouns  and the verb ser (to be). We will also be crafting our responses to the questions and using exit cards to discuss our feelings and where we are from. We will be doing some listening activities with our new expressions, practicing our numbers, using the book more, and working with partners more often this week. We will have another quiz on Tuesday on the questions about how are you, the responses, where you are from, and the responses, and receive a new packet too.

La tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: paquete viejo (old packet) pagina 3v ejercicios 7,8,9, and 5a ej. 5 y 6. Study for quiz.
martes noche: paquete nuevo: (new packet) pagina 4v toda la pagina ( whole page).
miércoles noche: paquete- paginas 5v y 6v.
jueves noche: bingo card about numbers and expressions.
viernes noche: nada

Buena suerte,    Señora Schneider

Monday, September 16, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

It was nice meeting some of our parents of our students last Thursday night in spite of the heat and the Patriots game. The students wrote and practiced some dialogs and set up and passed in beautiful calendars with pictures of animals in color and labeled in Spanish along with the numbers and days of the week written out in Spanish. We also learned numbers up to 100, learned some new expressions such as "How are you?" and all the responses and received and covered our books. Thank you!

This week we will be setting up buddy partners for future class work, changing seats, having a quiz on all the greetings and goodbyes along with what's your name, his name, her name, my name is, who is he, she, this is my friend, my classmate, my teacher, learning our countries and capitals, asking and telling where you are from, practicing the how are you responses, learning more about accents, and possibly learning about telephone numbers and emails.

We have a half day on Wednesday with much shorter classes, a quiz on Tuesday, and we will learn about how words are masculine, feminine, and plural and how that all works. I will be staying after school on Tuesday and Thursday this week as the late bus starts this week also. Some of you need to stay for some make up work already! So much to do!

La tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: vocabulary sheet to help review for the quiz-fill in the English, and paquete 1v ejercicio 3 and pagina 2v ejercicio 6.  Study for quiz.
martes noche: Paquete - pagina 2a ejercicio 4 and pagina 12v ejercicios 31 and 32.
miércoles noche: paquete - pagina 1a ejercicios 1,2,3, and pagina 2a ejercicio 5.
jueves noche: paquete - 3v ejercicios 7,8,9  and pagina 4v ejercicios 10 y 11.
viernes noche: nada= nothing

Buena suerte -good luck! Señora Schneider

Monday, September 9, 2013

¡Buenos dias clase!

Welcome to a full week of school with no interruptions. I think we are ready to pick up the pace and really start to learn and enjoy Spanish. This week we will be learning new expressions to put in our notebooks, sharing dialogs and conversations with me and your classmates, learning and reviewing numbers up to 100, practicing vocabulary and new expressions that we will be learning everyday, learning more about the colors, starting a calendar for September and learning new vocabulary that goes with that, passing out your books which need to be covered, hopefully finishing our birthdays and license plate activities, working together in groups and partners, and starting a good routine for homework. It will be fun, but busy! If you are absent, you will need to get the notes from a classmate to catch up. Homework will be posted on the blog.

La tarea por esta semana es: (The homework for this week is)

lunes noche: el paquete (the packet): pagina 5v ejercicios  11 y 12, pagina 6v ejercicios 3 y 4.
martes noche: el paquete: pagina 5v ejercicio 13, pagina 6a ejercicios 7 y 8.
miércoles noche: calendario de septiembre con 8 animales en español y en color.
jueves noche: el paquete: pagina 1v ejercicios 1 y 2, pagina 2v ejercicios 4 y 5.
viernes noche: no tarea

Buena suerte- good luck and have a great week!   Señora Schneider

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

We are off to another good start this week with a few language surveys, more weather, more numbers,  alphabet review, new names, money envelopes, new expressions, birthdays, name tags, and general review. There is no homework this week due to the Jewish holidays on Wednesday and Thursday night, however, we did need to bring in a colored name tag for today. There will be a quick little alphabet quiz on Friday for the letters in Spanish and we will be reviewing all week to get to that goal.

I hope you are all enjoying the class so far. We will be picking up the pace next  week with more consistent homework and the passing out of the books. Don't forget to cover your books when you get them!  Have a good week!

Señora Schneider

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,  (Good afternoon to everyone)

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome to Spanish class! We are off to a good start this year with a bit smaller class sizes and enthusiastic students. So far we have started learning and singing the alphabet, numbers 0 to 30, the date, a few weather expressions, international symbols as a language, calendar differences, cognates, and class expectations. And it's only day 2! The students have been very receptive and I am looking forward to a productive year with them all.

Within the next week, we will be picking Spanish names to use in class, doing some housekeeping activities such as setting up our notebooks and folders, using euros as a reward system for homework and participation, learning the months and focusing on the numbers by writing down everyone's birthday in Spanish, learning how to speak with basic questions and answers, taking a few notes, learning the countries and capitals, passing out the books and much more.

Here are a few expectations for my classroom:
No chicle - no gum. It is hard enough to speak Spanish without a wad of gum in your mouth.
Always bring your 5 subject notebook, a folder, your covered book, a pencil and a good attitude.
Cooperation and respect for others will go a long way towards having a pleasant year.
Homework should be done completely and ready for the day we need it, usually the next day.
Effort, effort, effort - show me what you can do.

Homework will start next week and is considered an integral part of my class. Please do it! Talk to you all next week.

Gracias,    Señora Schneider

Monday, May 20, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

This week we will be starting our family projects in class by making an initial rough draft of our families, making a rough draft of a family tree, and starting our essays in class. The rubric was passed out last Friday and that gives all the details of all the expectations for this project. It is worth 3 test grades so it is very important that you do a good job. The bulk of the poster will be done at home, however, we will nail down the rough draft in class before you start the poster. I want to check your draft before you start. If the draft is not correct, the poster will be off also.

We will also start the essay in class with more explanation and samples. There is a sample of one paragraph on the rubric. Please read it so you know what to do. I will give hints on it in class. It will consist of five small paragraphs about your family in correct Spanish, so take your time, think, and do a good job. No repeats on the essay.

The presentations will start on Tuesday, May 28th after Memorial Day. Everything is due that day; the poster, the essay, and readiness for the presentation. You cannot read your essay as I explained in class. Use your poster with the extra chores and activities drawn on it so you can talk about your 3 people that   you picked. Again no repeats of adjectives, chores, adverbs of time, or activities.

This is a project that  incorporates many things that we have learned all year, so it is very important that you practice before you present. Show me what you have hopefully learned.

We will also be continuing with  the rest of the chapter and practicing the chores, directions and locations, reviewing the verb "estar" = to be, learning about negative words such as nobody, never, neither, and nothing, and learning a few new expressions.

As you can see we are not quite done yet because the expectation is to finish chapter 5 before you go on to high school. We will get there with everyone's cooperation with homework, classwork, and the project. We have a short week again this week with more SRI testing on Friday's half day and no school on Monday. Please continue to hang in there and do this project!

Tarea por esta semana:
lunes noche: paquete - paginas 49 y 56 - los quehaceres. Continua con el proyecto.
martes noche: paquete -  paginas 57 y 60  y el proyecto
miércoles noche: paquete - paginas 58 y 46 y el proyecto
jueves noche: el proyecto -  no clases el viernes. Los examenes de SRI reading test
viernes noche y el fin de semana - El proyecto

If you do not want to have this hanging over your head during the weekend, I strongly suggest you start the poster and essay during the week after I check your draft of the poster. You need to buy your own poster board, have colorful pictures, and be neat.

I will be staying after school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 3:00pm each day. If you want to work on your project after school, you are more than welcome to come in. I hope to see some of you that really need a push to stay.

PS. I have been trying to put a book link on my blog but it will not connect to the book because we are not registered with book company and there is a cost. However, if you google expresate or  keyword: EXP1 CH5, you should be able to get to the book, it just won't be through the link on the blog which I now need to remove. Thanks for your patience.  

¡Buena suerte!  Señora Schneider  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, this week is an interesting week with a Tuesday half day, and MCAS testing Wednesday and Thursday which is like having 2 more half day schedules. Monday we reviewed our possessive adjectives by playing a group game and worked on stem changing verbs by playing battleship in Spanish. We will finish it another day before we finish the chapter.

Today, we had a quiz on the above items plus the family vocabulary. It was a bit harder than the quizzes last week and I think some of you need to study more if you want to finish off the year strong. Tomorrow, after MCAS, we will finish the quizzes (5 minutes), finish our Chile notes, and hopefully, listen to some Spanish music that will tie in with a verb activity. Thursday, we will be starting our family project after seeing some examples and going over the requirements. Friday, we will be working with our new house vocabulary and learning about  and brainstorming chores people do around the house.

Tarea por esta semana,

lunes noche: work sheet pages 64 and 85. study for the quiz on possessive adjectives and new verbs.  
martes noche: no tarea
miércoles noche: no tarea
jueves noche: paquete nuevo - paginas TBA
viernes noche: paginas TBA

La semana proxima: another half day day on Friday the 24th so we need to push on with the project with some devoted time in class, plus still learning some new expressions and vocabulary to finish off the chapter. We are not done yet!

Hasta mañana,  Señora

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

The first week of May has arrived and the year is quickly coming to an end. For the rest of the year, we still have lots of classwork and homework to do as well learning about the Cinco de Mayo,  finding out more about Chile, learning new verbs and expressions, and making a family tree in Spanish complete with labels, pictures and other interesting information. There will also be a presentation in front of the class and an essay. This will be a culminating project of most of the things that we learned this year, so I expect everyone to put in a good effort!

We just finished our artist projects and they came out beautifully. They are currently hanging in the 8th grade hallway and our room. Nice job by everyone! The presentations overall we very good also.

We are now in the last stretch of school and learning will be a challenge with the nice weather, sports games, field trips, MCAS, and other distractions that come up at the end of the year.  It is important for the students to hang in there and not slack off from homework and studying. I am expecting wonderful family projects! Information on them will be coming home soon.

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche:  calendario - 8 places in a casa (house)- drawings in color and labeled in Spanish
martes noche: nada - MCAS testing
miércoles noche: paquete -paginas 53 y 54. new verbs and possessive adjectives. Study for Friday quiz.
jueves noche: paquete - pagina 43 !estudien! hay un examencito mañana. verbos y adjetivos posesivos.
viernes noche: nada

Hasta luego,   Señora Schneider

Monday, April 29, 2013

Buenas tardes clase,

Here we are again with another shortened week with 2 half days and so much to learn! We started the family chapter last week and learned some more adjectives to describe our families and friends. We will be using those this week along with some new possessive adjectives and perhaps some new verbs. We chose new partners today using the  states of Mexico and saw where chihuahuas and tabasco sauce come from. We will be working with new partners tomorrow and finish getting back our artist projects so they can be put up on the bulletin boards. We have quite a few good artists in the 8th grade!

Our new country this chapter is Chile and we will be learning some more interesting facts within the next 2 weeks. We will also be having a quiz on Friday, May 3 on family members, adjectives, and possessive adjectives. We will also be having a family project coming up soon where the students will need to draw their family trees on both sides, label them in Spanish, and either draw pictures, get pictures on line, or scan photos from the family albums to present tot he class. There will be an essay in Spanish also. More details will follow soon.

Tarea para esta semana:

lunes noche: pagina 41, toda la pagina en el paquete
martes noche: pagina 52 toda la pagina y pagina 42 toda la pagina
miércoles noche: papel de adjetivos posesivos (possessive adjectives) , not in packet - hand out
jueves noche: papel de adjetivos posesivos y de vocabulario, no packet ¡estudien! examencito mañana
viernes noche: nada

¡Hasta mañana!    Señora Schneider

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I have a couple of updates for this week. There will be a calendar for April due tomorrow and you will need to draw, color, and label in Spanish 8 spring things such as flowers, rain, baseball, etc. Anything that reminds you of spring. There is no homework on Thursday night. I cannot really stay today because there is a staff meeting after school. Thursday is still a half day, however, I can stay until 2:45 on Friday as I have an appointment at 3:00 that day.

Gracias,  Señora

Monday, April 1, 2013

Buenas Noches a Todos,

Well, we finished a successful Technology week with math, science, English, and bit of Venezuelan culture and geography mixed with facts about the Yanomami tribe. Thanks for all your attention and comments! We have another mixed up week this week, so we will be doing the "Artist Project". You will be researching a famous Hispanic artist, drawing one of his famous works, writing a short one page biography about the artist, presenting your findings in English in front of the class, and taking notes on a form about the artists that your classmates talk about. It should be fun and interesting and a lot of you are very good artists too!

The only homework this week will be to finish the project and get ready to present by Wednesday, April 3. There will not be any tests or quizzes this week, however, some of you need to finish the major chapter  4 test from March 22. I am staying after school Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday of this week. There is a half day Thursday and I might be able to stay until 2:30 on Friday. I will let you know. I am also available during most home room periods. Please come in and finish your test and perhaps retake a quiz.  After this week, the grade you have will be it. I want them all completed before we go to Washington and vacation!

In the meantime, have a good night, a good week, and good luck on your projects that are due Wednesday April 3. Señora

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

Another snow day yesterday and yet another day lost. Our chapter 4 test that we were supposed to have yesterday, Tuesday 3/19 is now postponed to this Friday 3/22 because we are not supposed to give tests during MCAS testing. Besides, the classes on these days are shortened so we can still see all the students. With that being said, we will be reviewing for the next two days because our schedules have been altered. We will go over the homework that we had Monday night which was the rest of the vocabulary sheet and the separate worksheet on hacer, poner, and salir. We will also play some review games using vocabulary, verbs, and making sentences together.

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: worksheet on poner, hacer, and salir, and finish the vocab sheet. Study!
martes noche: no hay escuela. ¡Estudien!
miércoles noche: In the book, pagina 146, ejercicios 1, 2, y 3. seccion 1, por favor. ¡Estudien!
jueves noche: En el libro, pagina 147, ejercicios 4 y 5. Also, translate to English, the questions in #4.
viernes noche: nada

Next week, we will be doing an interdisciplinary project that will be led by Mrs. Gauvin in science. We will not have Spanish class next week, however we will be learning about the culture of a particular tribe in Venezuela and Brazil called the Yanomami. We will also be learning some facts about Venezuela. There is no school a week from this Friday as it is Good Friday, March 29.  Regular Spanish classes will resume the week of April 1.

¡Bienvenidos a la primavera! Welcome Spring! Señora Schneider  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, here we are with another snow day last Friday and so much to do. This week will be another busy week en español. We will be focusing on the verb to go = "ir" with another verb. For example,  I am going to study in the library later. Yo voy a estudiar en la biblioteca luego. Remember, you don't have to conjugate the second verb. We will still be reviewing our new places to go, reviewing invitations, acceptances, and refusals,  reviewing how to conjugate "er" and "ir" verbs that are regular, learning new verbs such as abrir, interrrumpir, asisitr a, and beber, and studying new irregular verbs such as hacer, traer, ver, poner, saber,  and salir.  We will be using these in sentences and questions, working with partners, doing  listening activities,  and having a quiz on Thursday of this week on all of the above items except the irregular verbs. Everything in chapter 4 will be on the test next Tuesday 3-19.

Tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: pagina 37 ejercicio # 16, pagina 46 ejercicios #21 y #22,  ¡estudien por favor!
martes noche: pagina 38 ejercicio #18, pagina 47 ejercicios #23 y #24,  ¡estudien por favor!
miércoles noche: pagina 35 ejercicio # 13, pagina 48 ejercicios #25 y # 26, ¡estudien por favor!
quiz tomorrow! See above.
jueves noche: pagina 36 ejercicio #14, pagina 39 ejercicio # 20

Otras Actividades durante la semana:
En sus libros: pagina 136 # 28, 137 #29 y 30, pagina138 #32, pagina 139 # 33 y 34, pagina 140 # 36 y 37, pagina 141 # 38. You also need to finish the problems on the back of the pyramid paper and answer the questions from page 135  # 25 which is answering the questions from #24.  If you are out, you will miss the review and the activities. Gracias,            Señora Schneider

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I just wanted to update a few of the homework assignments. There was an error on Wednesday night's homework on the blog,  but not in class. It was supposed to be page 43,  exercise # 16, not page 35 #6.
However, there is a page 35 and it will be #12 for Thursday night along with page 45 #'s 19 and 20. Sorry for the confusion!

No quiz this week, however, there will probably be one next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. Stay tuned!

Gracias,   Señora

Monday, March 4, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

¡Hola! Well, here in are in the month of marzo and spring is right around the corner. We have a lot to do before the end of the year, so we will need to continue to work hard, get our homework and projects done, and continue to learn more español.  

This week we will be focusing on more adverbs of time, places to go, invitations to those places, acceptances, and refusals. We will also be introducing more new verbs to work with our new places and next week we will be conjugating many irregular verbs. We will still continue to work with partners and groups to mix things up a bit.

Tarea por esta semana:
 lunes noche: paquete nuevo - pagina 36 # 15, pagina 39 #19, pagina 43 # 14
martes noche:   paquete - pagina 40 #'s 21 y 22, pagina 43 #15
miércoles noche: paquete - pagina 35 #6, pagina 37 #17, pagina 44 #'s 17 y 18
jueves noche: pagina 45 # 19 y 20
viernes noche: nada

We will probably not have a quiz this week as we have started many new things and we will need to practice quite a bit. Many students have to finish some work for me and catch up with some quizzes, tests, and listening activities, plus a few essays. If you fall into these categories, come see me. I am staying after school on Monday until 3:00pm, Tuesday until 2:30, Wednesday and Thursday until 3:30 or so. Marks close on Friday, so let's step up and finish the work!

!Hasta mañana! Señora 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I hope that you all had a nice vacation and that you were all able to do the things that you wanted to do!  Well, we are now going back to our regular routine and hopefully we won't have any more snow days to interrupt our studies. This week we will be starting part 2 of our chapter 4 on school and school supplies. We will be learning about some new verbs, both regular and irregular, some new expressions about time and inviting people to do things, and some new places to go. We will be continuing this plan next week also. We will be having a quiz on Thursday on the expressions of "tener" which are to be hungry, thirsty, to be in a hurry, to feel like, to have to, age, to have plans,  and to be sleepy. The quiz will also be on  the verb "venir" which means "to come" and know how to use it with our classes, such as Are you coming to math class?, When are you coming to Spanish class?, What time are you coming to gym? etc. We will also be making our schedules in Spanish, working with partners about school supplies, playing a group verb game, doing some listening activities, having some more cultural notes from the book, and making anew calendar for March at the end of the week.

Tarea por ésta semana:

lunes noche: paquete viejo - paginas 33 #7, 42 # 12 y 13

martes noche: paquete viejo - pagina 34 -this should finish off the packet. Collecting it this week. Also, make up 5 questions about your schedule on the back of the schedule using "venir" "tener"  and "ser".

miércoles noche: "tener" "venir" worksheet. Not in the packet. ¡Estudien! Hay un examenctio mañana.

jueves noche: calendario de marzo - 8 places that you can visit. Use some new ones from the vocab!

Classwork in the book for students that are absent. Pagina 127 ejercicios 13, 14, 15 -lunes
Paginas 128 #17, 129 #18 (miercoles), and a new vocab list from pages 132 and 133 (jueves). New vocab is a list of places to go. Start a new page in your seccion 3 and label it "Lugares" = places. Then in  seccion 2, find your list of "adverbos de tiempo"  = adverbs of time and add on the new expressions from page 132 to that list. There are also some on page 133 in the yellow box at the bottom of the page.

Welcome back and let's have a "buena semana".      Señora Schneider

Hopefully there will not be any delays this week and we will have school.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Buenas noches clase,

¡Hace mal tiempo todos los dias! It appears that we are having bad weather all the time now and it shows in our classwork and homework. Well, we will catch up somehow, so just make sure that you keep up with all the assignments. We have now started chapter 4 on school supplies and subjects and will also be learning about new "tener" expressions, the verb "venir" which means to come, and cultural notes about Costa Rica. We will also be talking about holidays in Hispanic countries at this time of year and learning some new words about Valentine's day. Everyone likes chocolate and flowers! ¡A todos les gustan los chocolates y las flores!

Tarea por ésta semana es:

lunes noche: paginas 38 y 39 - todas las paginas
martes noche: paginas 31- ejercicio #2, 32 ejercicio #4, 40 ejercicio #9
miércoles noche: valentine's bingo sheet,- top español, bottom  inglés, paquete -31 #3, 41 #'s10, 11
jueves noche: pagina 34,  and study for a possible  quiz on the new vocab for Friday.
viernes noche: nada - buenas vacaciones

Stay tuned to see if we will have a quick vocab quiz before vacation.

Classwork for those who are on early vacation:

pagina 122 ejercicio # 2, pagina 123 ejejcicios #4 y 5,  paginas 124 y 125 #'s 7 y 8, listening for #'s 1 y 10, finish taking Costa Rica notes in seccion 5, you will need worksheets on un/una, cuanto/mucho/poco,  and a valentine's bingo sheet plus the vocab and the other side of the sheet too.

Hasta mañana     Señora Schneider

Monday, February 4, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

¡Hola clases! This week we are starting  chapter 4 on school supplies, school subjects, and lots of new expressions that go with school things. Our new country will be Costa Rica and we will be learning about their customs, foods, and environment there. Should be a very interesting place to visit!

This week I am staying on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday until 3:30 or so, so if you need to make up your listening activities, retake or finish a quiz or test or need extra help, those are the days I'll be here. Wednesday is a half day this week and we will be having some team meetings, awards for progress reports and meetings about Washington, D.C.  The day will go by fast with a shortened schedule.

Tarea por ésta semana es:
lunes noche: calendario de febrero: 8 cosas del dia de San Valentin, en español with "un and una" y en color.
martes noche: paquete nuevo: paginas 31 ejercicio 1, 32 ejercicio 5, 40 ejercicios 8.
miércoles noche: nada at least right now.
jueves noche: paquete nuevo: paginas 33 ejercicios 6 y 8, y 37 ejercicios 1, 2, 3.

That's all for now! Hasta mañana,    Señora Schneider

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Buenas tardes,

A little adjustment to the homework for jueves. We need to finish the paquete, so page 33 will be tonight's homework and I will collect  them on Friday. Gracias.  Señora Schneider

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

This is the last week for studying chapter 3 and Texas. We will be having a chapter test starting on Wednesday and finishing up on Thursday 1-31. The test will include the "ar" verb conjugations,  weather expressions, adverbs of time, the conjugations of the irregular verbs "ir" and "jugar", "gustar", how to change "a" to al, a la, a los, and a las in a sentence, places to go  such as the gym, the park, the church, etc, cultural notes about Texas and general Latin American cultural notes, question words and responses to questions, and how to use the transition words of "para", después de, and antes de with our new verbs.You will also need to know about helping verbs such as gustar, tener que, querer, ir a, and necesitar and what to do when a verb follows it.  Also, don't forget that you need to know the meanings of "leer", "comer", "hacer", "ser", "tener", "salir", "escribir", and "decir". This is a big chapter test, so please study!

We have been reviewing in multiple ways by playing verb battleship, doing warm up sentences and questions, doing whole class activities and writing down the responses, doing listening activities,  working in the book, playing group verb games, and doing partner activities around the room. It has been a busy few weeks and hopefully they are ready to take this test. Please study!

La tarea por ésta semana es:
lunes noche: nada - we had MCAS testing and no classes.
martes noche: paginas 24 y 58 en el paquete, ¡Estudien!
miércoles noche: finish the vocabulary sheet for this chapter plus in the book pages 108 and 109, exercises 1 through 5 in the first section of your notebook. ¡Estudien!
jueves noche: no hay tarea.
viernes noche: no hay tarea.

Enjoy the light homework week- next week will be back to normal as we start chapter 4!
Please look over all your notes for chapter 3. I am staying after school this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for make ups and extra help. If you didn't do well on the 2 quizzes that we had last week, you need extra help. Don't wait until you are completely lost! Come see me!

Hasta mañana, Señora Schneider

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The week of January 21, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

Well, this week will be a fast week again after celebrating Martin Luther King day yesterday. Because of the snow last week, our schedule was a bit backed up, so we were not able to have the verb quiz on Friday the 18th like I wanted to do. However, we will be having a quiz tomorrow on conjugating "ar" verbs regular and irregular ones. You need to study the endings and which ones go with what  pronouns. YOu also need to know what the verbs mean. For example, I will give tu with Nadar and you have to write  nadas. Should be easy, if you study. This Friday the 25th, there will be another quiz on the verbs and adverbs of time in sentences, how to make sentences, how to answer questions, and how to conjugate the verbs. Next week, there will be a big test (examen grande) on chapter 3 and all of the above items plus adjectives, para, despues de, antes de, Texas and general cultural notes, the vocabulary of places like cinema, pool, gymnasium, etc, and weather expressions.

I will be staying for extra help Tuesday the 22, and Wednesday the 23 of this week and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Please come if you are having trouble. This is not going away and it is important to "get it", especially the verb conjugations.

This week we will also be making a verb list of all the verbs we have covered so far, doing listening activities,  a whole class activity with adverbs of time and verbs, another activity with verbs and sentences that uses the whole class, a group game of verbs,  writing an essay using photos, book work, sentence warm ups, and 2 quizzes. I think that's good!

La tarea por ésta semana es:

martes noches: pagina 25 ejercicio 14 y pagina 26 - toda la pagina. ¡Estudien por favor! See above.
miércoles noche: Take the "Con qué frecuencia" we worked on in class yesterday and choose ten (10) people and write a sentence about them on the back adding in extra items such as where, with whom, at what time, etc. this will be collected and graded.
jueves noche: pagina 28 en el paquete. !Estudien por favor! See above.
viernes noche: nothing written, however you should be studying chapter 3 for the test next week!

Hasta mañana,   Señora Schneider

Monday, January 14, 2013

Buenas noches clase,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and is staying healthy during this cold and flu season. Last week, we learned how to conjugate regular "AR" verbs, the stem changing verb jugar = to play a sport, finished up the cultural notes on Texas from pages 78 and 79, had a quiz on Tuesday on gustar, querer, and Texas, started learning some new ar verbs and more vocabulary, learned some adverbs of time such as everyday, never, always, etc., reviewed and wrote down our weather expressions, did some listening activities, talked about helping verbs, and started a game of Scrabble with new country partners. It was a busy week and will continue to be so as we go on in our studies.

This week promises to be just as busy. We will be finishing our Scrabble game of verb conjugations, learning about the verb "IR" which means to go, finishing new partner assignments, using our new verb conjugations in various learning activities such as connect 4, battleship, group contests, and partner writing activities, and having a quiz on Friday after reviewing our weekly homework, having listening activities, and doing some speaking activities.

La tarea por ésta semana es:

lunes noche: en los paquetes, paginas 35 y 36 - todas las paginas
martes noche: paginas 31 y 32 - todas
miércoles noche: pagina 27
jueves noche: pagina 26 y estudien por el examen mañana -los verbos AR, Jugar, IR, Adverbos de tiempo y vocabulario nuevo - el baile, el ensayo, el gimnasio, etc. Paginas 94 y 95 en el libro.

Any Questions? ( Hay preguntas?) Let's talk tomorrow in class. Until then, ¡Hasta mañana! Señora S.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

Well, it's been awhile since we have visited the activities in Spanish class. After we came back from the holiday break, we finished up with our holiday traditions in various hispanic countries, worked on our January calendars, read a holiday poem in Spanglish, played PONGA (bingo) and then brainstormed and started to learn some facts about Texas and the hispanic influence there.

This week we are back to normal routines and normal homework. We are starting off the week by finishing Texas culture, reviewing the verb querer (to want) and the verb gustar (to like), doing some  listening activities, having a quiz on the verbs and nouns in the first part of chapter 3, and starting new vocabulary and new verbs.  We will be learning to conjugate regular "AR" verbs, try to use them in our sentences with classwork and homework while talking about the weather and describe how often we do these activities. We will be practicing all of this material for quite awhile as these are concepts that are basic to Spanish.

Tarea por ésta semana es:

lunes noche: pagina 27 in old packet - last page to be completed before I collect it.
martes noche: paginas 94 y 95 en el libro. Vocabulario en seccion 3 y verbos en seccion 4 (AR)
miércoles noche: paquete nuevo- paginas 29 y 34
jueves noche: pagina 20 y pagina 25 ejercicios 12 y 13
viernes noche: nada

Stay well- many students and teachers have been out with terrible colds! Señora Schneider