Monday, April 1, 2013

Buenas Noches a Todos,

Well, we finished a successful Technology week with math, science, English, and bit of Venezuelan culture and geography mixed with facts about the Yanomami tribe. Thanks for all your attention and comments! We have another mixed up week this week, so we will be doing the "Artist Project". You will be researching a famous Hispanic artist, drawing one of his famous works, writing a short one page biography about the artist, presenting your findings in English in front of the class, and taking notes on a form about the artists that your classmates talk about. It should be fun and interesting and a lot of you are very good artists too!

The only homework this week will be to finish the project and get ready to present by Wednesday, April 3. There will not be any tests or quizzes this week, however, some of you need to finish the major chapter  4 test from March 22. I am staying after school Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday of this week. There is a half day Thursday and I might be able to stay until 2:30 on Friday. I will let you know. I am also available during most home room periods. Please come in and finish your test and perhaps retake a quiz.  After this week, the grade you have will be it. I want them all completed before we go to Washington and vacation!

In the meantime, have a good night, a good week, and good luck on your projects that are due Wednesday April 3. Señora

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