Monday, February 4, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

¡Hola clases! This week we are starting  chapter 4 on school supplies, school subjects, and lots of new expressions that go with school things. Our new country will be Costa Rica and we will be learning about their customs, foods, and environment there. Should be a very interesting place to visit!

This week I am staying on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday until 3:30 or so, so if you need to make up your listening activities, retake or finish a quiz or test or need extra help, those are the days I'll be here. Wednesday is a half day this week and we will be having some team meetings, awards for progress reports and meetings about Washington, D.C.  The day will go by fast with a shortened schedule.

Tarea por ésta semana es:
lunes noche: calendario de febrero: 8 cosas del dia de San Valentin, en español with "un and una" y en color.
martes noche: paquete nuevo: paginas 31 ejercicio 1, 32 ejercicio 5, 40 ejercicios 8.
miércoles noche: nada at least right now.
jueves noche: paquete nuevo: paginas 33 ejercicios 6 y 8, y 37 ejercicios 1, 2, 3.

That's all for now! Hasta mañana,    Señora Schneider

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