Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I hope that you all had a nice vacation and that you were all able to do the things that you wanted to do!  Well, we are now going back to our regular routine and hopefully we won't have any more snow days to interrupt our studies. This week we will be starting part 2 of our chapter 4 on school and school supplies. We will be learning about some new verbs, both regular and irregular, some new expressions about time and inviting people to do things, and some new places to go. We will be continuing this plan next week also. We will be having a quiz on Thursday on the expressions of "tener" which are to be hungry, thirsty, to be in a hurry, to feel like, to have to, age, to have plans,  and to be sleepy. The quiz will also be on  the verb "venir" which means "to come" and know how to use it with our classes, such as Are you coming to math class?, When are you coming to Spanish class?, What time are you coming to gym? etc. We will also be making our schedules in Spanish, working with partners about school supplies, playing a group verb game, doing some listening activities, having some more cultural notes from the book, and making anew calendar for March at the end of the week.

Tarea por ésta semana:

lunes noche: paquete viejo - paginas 33 #7, 42 # 12 y 13

martes noche: paquete viejo - pagina 34 -this should finish off the packet. Collecting it this week. Also, make up 5 questions about your schedule on the back of the schedule using "venir" "tener"  and "ser".

miércoles noche: "tener" "venir" worksheet. Not in the packet. ¡Estudien! Hay un examenctio mañana.

jueves noche: calendario de marzo - 8 places that you can visit. Use some new ones from the vocab!

Classwork in the book for students that are absent. Pagina 127 ejercicios 13, 14, 15 -lunes
Paginas 128 #17, 129 #18 (miercoles), and a new vocab list from pages 132 and 133 (jueves). New vocab is a list of places to go. Start a new page in your seccion 3 and label it "Lugares" = places. Then in  seccion 2, find your list of "adverbos de tiempo"  = adverbs of time and add on the new expressions from page 132 to that list. There are also some on page 133 in the yellow box at the bottom of the page.

Welcome back and let's have a "buena semana".      Señora Schneider

Hopefully there will not be any delays this week and we will have school.


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