Monday, March 4, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

¡Hola! Well, here in are in the month of marzo and spring is right around the corner. We have a lot to do before the end of the year, so we will need to continue to work hard, get our homework and projects done, and continue to learn more español.  

This week we will be focusing on more adverbs of time, places to go, invitations to those places, acceptances, and refusals. We will also be introducing more new verbs to work with our new places and next week we will be conjugating many irregular verbs. We will still continue to work with partners and groups to mix things up a bit.

Tarea por esta semana:
 lunes noche: paquete nuevo - pagina 36 # 15, pagina 39 #19, pagina 43 # 14
martes noche:   paquete - pagina 40 #'s 21 y 22, pagina 43 #15
miércoles noche: paquete - pagina 35 #6, pagina 37 #17, pagina 44 #'s 17 y 18
jueves noche: pagina 45 # 19 y 20
viernes noche: nada

We will probably not have a quiz this week as we have started many new things and we will need to practice quite a bit. Many students have to finish some work for me and catch up with some quizzes, tests, and listening activities, plus a few essays. If you fall into these categories, come see me. I am staying after school on Monday until 3:00pm, Tuesday until 2:30, Wednesday and Thursday until 3:30 or so. Marks close on Friday, so let's step up and finish the work!

!Hasta mañana! Señora 

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