Monday, March 11, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, here we are with another snow day last Friday and so much to do. This week will be another busy week en español. We will be focusing on the verb to go = "ir" with another verb. For example,  I am going to study in the library later. Yo voy a estudiar en la biblioteca luego. Remember, you don't have to conjugate the second verb. We will still be reviewing our new places to go, reviewing invitations, acceptances, and refusals,  reviewing how to conjugate "er" and "ir" verbs that are regular, learning new verbs such as abrir, interrrumpir, asisitr a, and beber, and studying new irregular verbs such as hacer, traer, ver, poner, saber,  and salir.  We will be using these in sentences and questions, working with partners, doing  listening activities,  and having a quiz on Thursday of this week on all of the above items except the irregular verbs. Everything in chapter 4 will be on the test next Tuesday 3-19.

Tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: pagina 37 ejercicio # 16, pagina 46 ejercicios #21 y #22,  ¡estudien por favor!
martes noche: pagina 38 ejercicio #18, pagina 47 ejercicios #23 y #24,  ¡estudien por favor!
miércoles noche: pagina 35 ejercicio # 13, pagina 48 ejercicios #25 y # 26, ¡estudien por favor!
quiz tomorrow! See above.
jueves noche: pagina 36 ejercicio #14, pagina 39 ejercicio # 20

Otras Actividades durante la semana:
En sus libros: pagina 136 # 28, 137 #29 y 30, pagina138 #32, pagina 139 # 33 y 34, pagina 140 # 36 y 37, pagina 141 # 38. You also need to finish the problems on the back of the pyramid paper and answer the questions from page 135  # 25 which is answering the questions from #24.  If you are out, you will miss the review and the activities. Gracias,            Señora Schneider

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