Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and is ready to work hard for the next few days. we will be reviewing for a chapter test this week after finishing up a quiz that we started last Friday. The chapter test will be on Thursday, October 17th and will be on just about everything that we have learned so far. It will include the subject pronouns such as yo = I, tu =you, el = he, and all the rest, the verb to be = ser and all the forms that go with the pronouns, time, the greetings such as all the hellos, all the goodbyes,  all the different forms of how are you and the responses, the numbers to 30, the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons, the questions such as what day is it, what is the date, what time is it, what's your name, his name, her name, who is he/she, what is your telephone number, his/her telephone number, what is your email, his/her email, the different forms of you and how they are used, and all the cultural notes about Spain and general hispanic culture that we have learned. I know it is a lot of material, but we have been studying it all since the beginning of  September.

Please study, look at your notes and make flash cards for some of the vocabulary if you need to. We have a short week this week as Friday will be Spirit Day and there will be no formal classes.

Tarea por esta semana:
martes noche: pagina 9a en el paquete and finish the time sheets if you have not turned them in. Collecting them tomorrow.
miércoles noche: pagina 4a en el paquete and study for the test tomorrow. Take your book and notebook home. Page 32 and 33 in the book exercises 1 thru 6 if you have not finished them in school.
jueves noche: nada

Buenas noches - Señora Schneider

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