Monday, September 16, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

It was nice meeting some of our parents of our students last Thursday night in spite of the heat and the Patriots game. The students wrote and practiced some dialogs and set up and passed in beautiful calendars with pictures of animals in color and labeled in Spanish along with the numbers and days of the week written out in Spanish. We also learned numbers up to 100, learned some new expressions such as "How are you?" and all the responses and received and covered our books. Thank you!

This week we will be setting up buddy partners for future class work, changing seats, having a quiz on all the greetings and goodbyes along with what's your name, his name, her name, my name is, who is he, she, this is my friend, my classmate, my teacher, learning our countries and capitals, asking and telling where you are from, practicing the how are you responses, learning more about accents, and possibly learning about telephone numbers and emails.

We have a half day on Wednesday with much shorter classes, a quiz on Tuesday, and we will learn about how words are masculine, feminine, and plural and how that all works. I will be staying after school on Tuesday and Thursday this week as the late bus starts this week also. Some of you need to stay for some make up work already! So much to do!

La tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: vocabulary sheet to help review for the quiz-fill in the English, and paquete 1v ejercicio 3 and pagina 2v ejercicio 6.  Study for quiz.
martes noche: Paquete - pagina 2a ejercicio 4 and pagina 12v ejercicios 31 and 32.
miércoles noche: paquete - pagina 1a ejercicios 1,2,3, and pagina 2a ejercicio 5.
jueves noche: paquete - 3v ejercicios 7,8,9  and pagina 4v ejercicios 10 y 11.
viernes noche: nada= nothing

Buena suerte -good luck! Señora Schneider

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