Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

This is the last week for studying chapter 3 and Texas. We will be having a chapter test starting on Wednesday and finishing up on Thursday 1-31. The test will include the "ar" verb conjugations,  weather expressions, adverbs of time, the conjugations of the irregular verbs "ir" and "jugar", "gustar", how to change "a" to al, a la, a los, and a las in a sentence, places to go  such as the gym, the park, the church, etc, cultural notes about Texas and general Latin American cultural notes, question words and responses to questions, and how to use the transition words of "para", después de, and antes de with our new verbs.You will also need to know about helping verbs such as gustar, tener que, querer, ir a, and necesitar and what to do when a verb follows it.  Also, don't forget that you need to know the meanings of "leer", "comer", "hacer", "ser", "tener", "salir", "escribir", and "decir". This is a big chapter test, so please study!

We have been reviewing in multiple ways by playing verb battleship, doing warm up sentences and questions, doing whole class activities and writing down the responses, doing listening activities,  working in the book, playing group verb games, and doing partner activities around the room. It has been a busy few weeks and hopefully they are ready to take this test. Please study!

La tarea por ésta semana es:
lunes noche: nada - we had MCAS testing and no classes.
martes noche: paginas 24 y 58 en el paquete, ¡Estudien!
miércoles noche: finish the vocabulary sheet for this chapter plus in the book pages 108 and 109, exercises 1 through 5 in the first section of your notebook. ¡Estudien!
jueves noche: no hay tarea.
viernes noche: no hay tarea.

Enjoy the light homework week- next week will be back to normal as we start chapter 4!
Please look over all your notes for chapter 3. I am staying after school this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for make ups and extra help. If you didn't do well on the 2 quizzes that we had last week, you need extra help. Don't wait until you are completely lost! Come see me!

Hasta mañana, Señora Schneider

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