Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

Hope you all had a restful Thanksgiving and enjoyed the extra long weekend! Last week was a short week, but this week we are back on track. We are now finishing up chapter 2 with cultural notes about Puerto Rico, the verb "gustar" = to like, adjectives to describe people and fun things to do, the items that we can enjoy such as movies, books, foods, etc, how to show possession, where you are from, descriptions of items, and relationships of objects using the word "de" which means "of" or "from", how to use various question words such as who, what, where, when, why, which, and how, using the word "because" in a sentence and how everything has to balance in the sentence for singular, plural, masculine, and feminine,  and how to make sentences negative using the word "no". We are having a big test on Thursday and all the above information is on it. We will start chapter 3 next week after we tie up a few loose ends on Friday.

So, with that being said, we will be reviewing and finishing up homework packets, listening activities, vocabulary sheets, essays, dialogs in the book and perhaps seeing the video that goes with the chapter so we can start fresh next week. We have been working in partners with communicative activities and will be working more in groups now that we have changed seats for the new trimester. Report cards go home Friday and most of you should be pleased if you have been working hard and passing in all your work.

This week however is not a good week for me stay after school because my mother is very sick and will need surgery for her back probably Wednesday (tomorrow).She is in a lot of pain and we are hopeful the surgery will take care of that. Luckily she lives close by. I will probably be out tomorrow.

We are having a quiz today as a review for the test, so many of the students will need to study and look over their cultural notes and section 2 notes to prepare themselves. Please do that!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: finish the packet-toda la pagina 14, pagina 18- ejercicio # 21, y pagina 20v-ej. # 21 Study.

martes noche: finish vocabulario sheet, finish essay with three fotografias 8-10 lines. Study.  

miércoles noche: en los libros ( in the books) paginas 70 y 71 ejercicios 3,4,5, sección una en los cuadernos and finish 4 picture essay on the other side of the three picture essay for collection. Study.

jueves noche: calendario de diciembre - 8 holiday ítems labeled in Spanish with "the" and colored. Numbers are in Spanish, of course!

viernes noche: nada
 Buena suerte - Good Luck - Señora Schneider

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