Monday, January 6, 2014

¡Feliz Año Nuevo a Todos!

Happy 2014! I hope that you all had a restful and fun vacation and enjoyed the holidays with your family and friends. We had an unexpected bonus of 2 extra days so I  hope that you all caught up on your sleep! The second half of the year will be busy as we will be learning many new concepts and  new vocabulary in Spanish.

This week we will be doing our January calendar with instruments, learning about King's Day and more Texas/Hispanic culture, focusing on memorizing our new verbs and their definitions, working in groups and partners with our vocabulary, starting a new packet, doing some listening activities and brainstorming places that we can go from vocabulary we already know. Hopefully we will start learning more adverbs of time to enhance our sentences. We will also have a vocabulary quiz on the verbs on Wednesday and another quiz on Friday with writing sentences, matching and multiple choice on the verbs, gustar with and without an extra verb, the nouns, and how to use querer in sentences and how to conjugate it. . Wednesday's quiz should be a heads up for Friday's quiz.

Tarea por esta semana:
 lunes noche: calendario de enero: 8 instrumentos en color, en español, y con el, la, los, y las. ¡Estudien!
martes noche: papel de vocabulario parte uno y 10 frases en español del trabajo de clase. (sentences from classwork). Study for vocabulario/ verb quiz.

miércoles noche:  En el libro, lista de vocabulario a las paginas 94 y 95. Seccion 3,  5 columnas.
jueves noche: Paquete nuevo pagina 31 ejercicios #18, #19, #20 y pagina 36 # 31 ¡Estudien! examencito mañana. (See above paragraph for more quiz info).

viernes noche: nada

¡Hasta luego! Señora Schneider

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