Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Buenas noches a todos,

Too late tonight to be writing, but here goes. We have another busy week changing partners using the Mexican states, learning how to conjugate the verb "to go", learning and using adverbs of time and frequency, learning about more cultural notes, and conjugating the verbs to have, to play a sport, and regular "ar" verbs. We will be learning about more questions and expressions and practicing them in class. There are no quizzes this week but there will be one next week.

With the half day on Wednesday, things will be a little crunched for time, however, we still should be able to finish our classwork and homework. Things are going to get more difficult this term with a lot of new vocabulary, verb conjugations, and new expressions. Flashcards and continual review at home will help you study!

Just wanted to let you know that my mother has been very sick with spinal bone fractures, so staying after school will become more difficult for me at times. I stayed after yesterday and today, nothing on the 1/2 day, and possibly Thursday barring any last minute doctor's appointments. Thank you for your understanding. I will still announce when I can stay.  

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: paquete -pagina 31 ej 19 y 20, pagina 32 ej 21, 22, y 23.
martes noche: paquete: pagina 29 # 22 y 23, pagina 36 # 29 y 30.
miércoles noche: paquete: pagina 27 # 19, pagina 28 # 20 y 21.
jueves noche: paquete - pagina 25 # 12 y 13.
viernes noche: nada. No hay escuela el lunes.

Possible project coming up next week. More details to follow......... Señora

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