Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hola Clases,

This week, we are reviewing for our big chapter 4 test on Thursday. We will be finishing up our tweet sheets, listening sheets, problem sheets, sentences sheets, collecting our 2 packets from this chapter, and playing battleship with "ER" and "IR" verbs. We will be having homework sheets that are not in the packet and we will be finishing off the week with an April calendar filled with 8 spring items. If time allows, we will go to the library to watch the video that goes with the chapter.

The test will be on all the school supplies, classes, how to tell time with the  classes and the schedules, conjugations of many irregular verbs such as IR, VENIR, HACER, PONER, SALIR, TENER and the expressions that go with it, VER, SABER, TRAER,  and the new er /ir verbs such as beer, interrumpir, abrir, asistir, llegar, regresar,  invitar, aceptar, and rechazar, plus how to invite someone to go somewhere and how to accept or refuse. There will also be a section on cultural notes  in Costa Rica.

I am staying Tuesday and Thursday for extra help and make up work. Some of you need to  finsih some papers for me. Please see me before Friday!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: separate worksheet #' 5 and 7 on "IR + A + infinitive.  ¡ESTUDIEN!
martes noche: separate worksheet on Places to go and irregular verbs. ¡ESTUDIEN!
 miércoles noche:  separate worksheet on irregular verbs #43  y 52. ¡ESTUDIEN!
jueves noche: calendario de abril - 8 spring things en español y en color.

Buena suerte,    Señora

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