Monday, October 28, 2013

Buenas tardes clases,

This week we will be learning about the Day of the Dead which is celebrated in Mexico at the same time as Halloween. We talked about the differences between Halloween and the Day of the Dead and how people in Mexico celebrate this family holiday. Each of you is supposed to bring in a photo of a deceased family member or pet plus an item that represents that person or pet. It can be a favorite food, hobby item, picture of you doing something with that person, or anything else that is relevant. It needs to come in no later than tomorrow because we are starting presentations in class tomorrow. This English presentation is worth a quiz grade. No items, no presentation, no grade. Most of you cannot afford a "0" for a quiz grade. If there is a problem with getting a family or pet picture, please let me know and I will give you an alternate person to do.

We are all caught up now with our homework packets and questions as of tonight's assignment. I will be collecting the old packet tomorrow for credit. Please fill in any missing items before you give it to me tomorrow. We are continuing our work with adjectives and descriptions of people, how old people are and numbers up to 1000. We will also be writing a dialog this week with a partner in class, learning about Puerto Rico, doing a comparison of Halloween and the Day of the Dead using a Venn Diagram, filling out a bingo sheet using Day of the Dead vocabulary and numbers up to 50, and doing a November calendar. You guessed it - the pictures of the calendar will be 8 items in color about the Day of the Dead and labeled  in Spanish using "el, la, los, and las." Don't forget uno/primero and look up the birthdays of your fellow classmates and put them on your calendario!

We also selected new country partners last week and will incorporate the capitals in with the countries too. I will be out again for leg surgery this coming Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I expect all work to be completed in a timely manner and all of you to have the utmost respect for the substitute that comes to cover for me. We will continue presentations next Monday when I come back. We will hopefully get many done tomorrow.

Tarea por esta semana,

lunes noche: Pagina 8 en el paquete viejo (old packet) and pagina 13a en el paquete nueveo. Also bring in your day of the dead items if you have not done so already.
martes noche: pagina 15 in the paquete nuevo and the top half of the vaocabulary sheet that I will give you today.
miércoles noche: paginas 6 y 12 en el paquete nuevo.
jueves noche: calendario de noviembre - números en español y 8  cosas (items) del día de los muertos. See above note, 2nd paragraph.
viernes noche: study for adjective quiz next week on Tuesday.

P.S. By the end of the week you need to have turned in your partner dialog, the Venn Diagram comparing Halloween and Day of the Dead, your calendario on Friday, the magic square sheet, and your bingo sheet. The exercises in the book will be done with a partner and need to be finished also. Don't forget you can work on your Picasso project after everything else is done.

 I will be staying after school tomorrow for test corrections and finishing  up the tests from last week.

As you can see, we will have a busy week even though I will be out a few days.  Be kind, be helpful, and be respectful to the substitute. We can always have an after school session the following week if need be. Thanks in advance for your cooperation! Señora Schneider

Monday, October 21, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

This week we will be starting a new chapter on adjectives and describing people such as ourselves, our friends and family and celebrities. It is a fun chapter and we will be learning lots of new vocabulary  words to express our likes and dislikes also in the coming weeks. Right now, we will be focused on the new adjectives and how to describe people we know. By the end of the week, we should have a good base of descriptions through the use of pictures, partners, and conversations in class. We will be starting a project for the Day of the Dead which always  coincides with Halloween. This project  will go into next week but we will need to prepare for it this week. The Day of the Dead is a holiday about celebrating the lives of our ancestors and loves ones who have passed away. Each student will be required to bring in a picture of a deceased relative or pet and an item that represents that person or pet. We will be presenting them in class next week and setting up our class "ofrenda" or shrine to our deceased relatives. More info to follow at the end of the week.

Last week and today, we finished up chapter one by taking our chapter test on Thursday. We collected our packets, finished up our homework, finished our listening exercises, and finished up the cultural notes on Spain. I am also hoping to watch a video on chapter one if time allows. We have a half day this week on Wednesday, so that will cut into our learning time. If you did not finish the test last week, I am staying after on Tuesday and Thursday of this week and if you only have a little bit left, you can possibly come to homeroom to finish it.

Tarea esta noche:
lunes noche: make a list of adjectives from pages 44 and 45 in the book. Seccion 3, 5 columns.
martes noche: paquete nuevo - paginas 16 y 17 - todas las paginas.
miércoles noche: paquete nuevo - 11 y 13v - todas las paginas.
jueves noche: paquete nuevo - paginas 14 y 18 - todas las paginas
viernes noche: El Dia de os Muertos (Day of the Dead) - bring in a picture of your loved one and an item that represents them for Monday.

Buenas noches,   Señora Schneider    

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and is ready to work hard for the next few days. we will be reviewing for a chapter test this week after finishing up a quiz that we started last Friday. The chapter test will be on Thursday, October 17th and will be on just about everything that we have learned so far. It will include the subject pronouns such as yo = I, tu =you, el = he, and all the rest, the verb to be = ser and all the forms that go with the pronouns, time, the greetings such as all the hellos, all the goodbyes,  all the different forms of how are you and the responses, the numbers to 30, the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons, the questions such as what day is it, what is the date, what time is it, what's your name, his name, her name, who is he/she, what is your telephone number, his/her telephone number, what is your email, his/her email, the different forms of you and how they are used, and all the cultural notes about Spain and general hispanic culture that we have learned. I know it is a lot of material, but we have been studying it all since the beginning of  September.

Please study, look at your notes and make flash cards for some of the vocabulary if you need to. We have a short week this week as Friday will be Spirit Day and there will be no formal classes.

Tarea por esta semana:
martes noche: pagina 9a en el paquete and finish the time sheets if you have not turned them in. Collecting them tomorrow.
miércoles noche: pagina 4a en el paquete and study for the test tomorrow. Take your book and notebook home. Page 32 and 33 in the book exercises 1 thru 6 if you have not finished them in school.
jueves noche: nada

Buenas noches - Señora Schneider

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, I am finally back after being out for three days last week due to leg surgery. A big thank to Mrs. Camacho for doing a very thorough job with continuing to help the children learn Spanish and expecting them to complete all the work that I left for them. Aside from a few students not being as cooperative as I had asked, the majority of you were very good and I appreciate that. Special thanks to some students who stepped up and helped the class with understanding some problems. Also, thank you all so much for my wonderful get well cards! Again, thank you Mrs. Camacho for coordinating the cards. How thoughtful of all of you!

This week we will be catching up from last week and reviewing all the work that you all did with your partners. I just want to check to make sure that you understand the verb "ser", how to tell time in Spanish, and review the months, days, seasons, and numbers using phone numbers and emails in Spanish. We will also have an October calendar with Halloween/fall pictures. More listening activities, more cultural notes, more classroom expressions and commands, and more partner work will round out the week. We will be having a quiz on time and the verb "ser"on Friday and probably our first chapter test at the end of next week.

I have just recently noticed that a few individuals in each class are choosing not to do some of my homework. Bad Choice! I have spoken to all the classes in no uncertain terms that this will not be tolerated. Some of you will not be pleased with the comments of the progress reports. I will be staying after on Thursday after staying after today for make up/ catch up work. I cannot stay this Wednesday or Friday.

Tarea esta semana:
 lunes noche: calendario de octubre: 8 fotografías de Halloween/ fall en color y en español.
martes noche: paquete: paginas 9v y 10v -todos los ejercicios.
miércoles noche: paquete: paginas 8v y 11v - todos los ejercicios.
jueves noche: paquete: paginas 8a y 10a - todos los ejercicios. Examencito mañana - ¡Estudien!
viernes noche: nada

Adios,   Señora Schneider