Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

Another snow day yesterday and yet another day lost. Our chapter 4 test that we were supposed to have yesterday, Tuesday 3/19 is now postponed to this Friday 3/22 because we are not supposed to give tests during MCAS testing. Besides, the classes on these days are shortened so we can still see all the students. With that being said, we will be reviewing for the next two days because our schedules have been altered. We will go over the homework that we had Monday night which was the rest of the vocabulary sheet and the separate worksheet on hacer, poner, and salir. We will also play some review games using vocabulary, verbs, and making sentences together.

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: worksheet on poner, hacer, and salir, and finish the vocab sheet. Study!
martes noche: no hay escuela. ¡Estudien!
miércoles noche: In the book, pagina 146, ejercicios 1, 2, y 3. seccion 1, por favor. ¡Estudien!
jueves noche: En el libro, pagina 147, ejercicios 4 y 5. Also, translate to English, the questions in #4.
viernes noche: nada

Next week, we will be doing an interdisciplinary project that will be led by Mrs. Gauvin in science. We will not have Spanish class next week, however we will be learning about the culture of a particular tribe in Venezuela and Brazil called the Yanomami. We will also be learning some facts about Venezuela. There is no school a week from this Friday as it is Good Friday, March 29.  Regular Spanish classes will resume the week of April 1.

¡Bienvenidos a la primavera! Welcome Spring! Señora Schneider  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Buenas noches a todos,

Well, here we are with another snow day last Friday and so much to do. This week will be another busy week en español. We will be focusing on the verb to go = "ir" with another verb. For example,  I am going to study in the library later. Yo voy a estudiar en la biblioteca luego. Remember, you don't have to conjugate the second verb. We will still be reviewing our new places to go, reviewing invitations, acceptances, and refusals,  reviewing how to conjugate "er" and "ir" verbs that are regular, learning new verbs such as abrir, interrrumpir, asisitr a, and beber, and studying new irregular verbs such as hacer, traer, ver, poner, saber,  and salir.  We will be using these in sentences and questions, working with partners, doing  listening activities,  and having a quiz on Thursday of this week on all of the above items except the irregular verbs. Everything in chapter 4 will be on the test next Tuesday 3-19.

Tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: pagina 37 ejercicio # 16, pagina 46 ejercicios #21 y #22,  ¡estudien por favor!
martes noche: pagina 38 ejercicio #18, pagina 47 ejercicios #23 y #24,  ¡estudien por favor!
miércoles noche: pagina 35 ejercicio # 13, pagina 48 ejercicios #25 y # 26, ¡estudien por favor!
quiz tomorrow! See above.
jueves noche: pagina 36 ejercicio #14, pagina 39 ejercicio # 20

Otras Actividades durante la semana:
En sus libros: pagina 136 # 28, 137 #29 y 30, pagina138 #32, pagina 139 # 33 y 34, pagina 140 # 36 y 37, pagina 141 # 38. You also need to finish the problems on the back of the pyramid paper and answer the questions from page 135  # 25 which is answering the questions from #24.  If you are out, you will miss the review and the activities. Gracias,            Señora Schneider

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I just wanted to update a few of the homework assignments. There was an error on Wednesday night's homework on the blog,  but not in class. It was supposed to be page 43,  exercise # 16, not page 35 #6.
However, there is a page 35 and it will be #12 for Thursday night along with page 45 #'s 19 and 20. Sorry for the confusion!

No quiz this week, however, there will probably be one next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. Stay tuned!

Gracias,   Señora

Monday, March 4, 2013

Buenas tardes a todos,

¡Hola! Well, here in are in the month of marzo and spring is right around the corner. We have a lot to do before the end of the year, so we will need to continue to work hard, get our homework and projects done, and continue to learn more español.  

This week we will be focusing on more adverbs of time, places to go, invitations to those places, acceptances, and refusals. We will also be introducing more new verbs to work with our new places and next week we will be conjugating many irregular verbs. We will still continue to work with partners and groups to mix things up a bit.

Tarea por esta semana:
 lunes noche: paquete nuevo - pagina 36 # 15, pagina 39 #19, pagina 43 # 14
martes noche:   paquete - pagina 40 #'s 21 y 22, pagina 43 #15
miércoles noche: paquete - pagina 35 #6, pagina 37 #17, pagina 44 #'s 17 y 18
jueves noche: pagina 45 # 19 y 20
viernes noche: nada

We will probably not have a quiz this week as we have started many new things and we will need to practice quite a bit. Many students have to finish some work for me and catch up with some quizzes, tests, and listening activities, plus a few essays. If you fall into these categories, come see me. I am staying after school on Monday until 3:00pm, Tuesday until 2:30, Wednesday and Thursday until 3:30 or so. Marks close on Friday, so let's step up and finish the work!

!Hasta mañana! Señora