Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Buenos dias a todos,

This week is a review/catch up week as we are preparing for our first Chapter 1 test starting on Wednesday, October 17 and continuing to Thursday the 18th. We are finishing up our packets, our cultural notes, and reviewing everything that we have learned so far. The test will be on basic greetings,  goodbyes, how are you and the responses, where are you from and the responses, the date, the time, the seasons, the months,  the days of the week, telephone numbers, emails, numbers to 100, the verb "ser" which is the verb "to be" and how to change it's forms which is called conjugation, accents on the words we have learned so far, cultural notes on Spain, and subject pronouns. It is basically everything we have learned so far except the weather.

We have been working with partners and in groups, along with individual accountability to review and we will be starting a new chapter next week after we see the video on chapter 1 on Monday. Friday the 19th there are no classes due to our Spirit Day celebrations so there is no homework from me on Thursday night. Please see the schedule below for the other days.

Tarea: Homework:

lunes noche: finish packets with 4a and 8a. Skip ex 11, we will do that one in class. Study!
martes noche: finish vocabulary sheet and the euro sheet we had in class last week. Study!
miércoles noche: En el libro (BOOK) paginas 32 y  33 ejercicios 1 thru 6.  1st section. Study!
jueves noche: ¡No tarea!

Hasta mañana, Señora Schneider

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