Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Buenas noches a todos,

I hope you all had a nice 3 day weekend! We are now ready to get back to work by practicing how to use conversational time, days of the week, months, seasons and the questions that go with them. We are still reviewing all our basic expressions that are used with finding out basic information such as names, feelings, capitals, countries, where people are from, time, weather, phone numbers, emails, and the verb "to be" otherwise known as "ser". We are still learning some cultural notes about Spain and general Hispanic culture. We will be having our last quiz on this chapter 1 on Friday, October 12 and we will be having our first major test next week probably Wednesday or Thursday. All of the above information will be on it.

Homework (la tarea) for this week:

martes noche: paquete paginas 8v and 10v - the whole pages.
miércoles noche: paquete paginas 7v and 11v - the whole pages.
jueves noche: paquete paginas 7a and 10a - the whole pages. Study for quiz on the above items, especially phone numbers, emails, and time, but you will see some old questions on there too.

I will be staying after school Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Next week I can stay Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and will be in the classroom on Thursday but will be having after school Spanish classes and not really available for one on one help.

Hasta luego,  Señora Schneider

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