Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Buenas tardes a todos,

Well, here we are at the last week before marks close and we still have so much to do. We are not done yet! Our family projects were due today June 3, and some of you did not pass it in for whatever reason. Even though you had almost 2 weeks to do it and 2 weekends, you still need to do it because it is minus one letter grade for everyday that it is late. I stayed yesterday and I am staying today and Thursday so that I can help you practice and catch up with test or quiz corrections on other papers. I am not taking anything next week because I have posters and essays to correct first. Come this week if you need to do something.

So far today, the presentations have been very good and we can see how much you need to practice in order to present. We are also continuing our packet work for homework this week and when we finish the projects we will go over it quickly. Tomorrow is a half day, so we will concentrate on doing more projects. I would like to finish them this week if at all possible.

There will be a fiesta coming up for the whole eighth grade whether you take Spanish or not. I will be sending home a form for food and permission on this Thursday the 5th  to give you time to sign up for something. Lundh for 8th grade will be last lunch next Thursday the 12th so you don't need a lunch that day. The fiesta is usually very good if everyone brings in food.

Tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: proyecto de la familia
martes noche: paquete paginas 46 y 58
miércoles noche: 57 y60
jueves noche: claendarios de junio, julio, agosto - junio 8 fotografias  del verano.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Buenas tardes a todos,

I'm back again with more information on what's been going on in class the last few weeks in between MCAS schedules, which are like half day schedules after the tests, regular half days, and the Memorial Day holiday. We started chapter 5 about the country of Chile with its people, culture, and geography. We have also been working on possessive adjectives, family members, adjectives for family members, family tree organization, new stem changing verbs and notes about cinco de mayo and why it is celebrated.

In the next few days, we will be learning about house vocabulary, chores in a house that family members do, more places to go and directions to places. Our next big project as I mentioned yesterday is the family tree project with a poster, presentation and 5 paragraph essay  with each piece counting as a test grade. We will be going over the rubric again tomorrow in more detail and start the  essay in class also. Everything is due next Tuesday June 3 and you need to be prepared to present your project.I am staying after tomorrow Thursday, May 29 and next Monday June 2 for project questions. Any other work that needs to made up needs to be in by next week by Friday June 6th. I am not accepting anything after that date.

 Tarea por esta semana:

martes noche: paquete nuevo paginas 45 y 55.
miércoles noche:  paquete nuevo paginas 49 #19 y 56 # 16 y17. Yo necesito sus árboles de la familia (rough draft) y el rubric mañana.
jueves noche: pagina 49 # 20, pagina 50 #21.
viernes noche: el proyecto por el 3 de junio. Ustedes necesitan practicar mucho.

¡Buena suerte!  Señora

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

¡Buenos días a todos!

Sorry I have not been on in a while as I have been having trouble logging into my blogsite. Hopefully, I have it all figured out and can continue for the rest of the year.

My biggest item that about which I want to inform  you and your parents is the 3 part  family project that is due June 3, 2014. You will be making a family poster in Spanish with Spanish family labels, presenting 3 people from your poster in front of the class, and writing about 5 people on your poster in Spanish. It is worth 3 test grades. We will be working on the essay this week in class for one day and one day only. Cut outs of people are available now. You all should have the rubric with the instructions and expectations on it.

Homework tonight is:

New packet (paquete nuevo) paginas 45 y 55 using the notes from classwork today and your book pages 170, 171, 172, and 173 if you did not finish the classwork.

More updates mañana. Señora

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hola Clases,

This week, we are reviewing for our big chapter 4 test on Thursday. We will be finishing up our tweet sheets, listening sheets, problem sheets, sentences sheets, collecting our 2 packets from this chapter, and playing battleship with "ER" and "IR" verbs. We will be having homework sheets that are not in the packet and we will be finishing off the week with an April calendar filled with 8 spring items. If time allows, we will go to the library to watch the video that goes with the chapter.

The test will be on all the school supplies, classes, how to tell time with the  classes and the schedules, conjugations of many irregular verbs such as IR, VENIR, HACER, PONER, SALIR, TENER and the expressions that go with it, VER, SABER, TRAER,  and the new er /ir verbs such as beer, interrumpir, abrir, asistir, llegar, regresar,  invitar, aceptar, and rechazar, plus how to invite someone to go somewhere and how to accept or refuse. There will also be a section on cultural notes  in Costa Rica.

I am staying Tuesday and Thursday for extra help and make up work. Some of you need to  finsih some papers for me. Please see me before Friday!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: separate worksheet #' 5 and 7 on "IR + A + infinitive.  ¡ESTUDIEN!
martes noche: separate worksheet on Places to go and irregular verbs. ¡ESTUDIEN!
 miércoles noche:  separate worksheet on irregular verbs #43  y 52. ¡ESTUDIEN!
jueves noche: calendario de abril - 8 spring things en español y en color.

Buena suerte,    Señora

Monday, March 24, 2014

Buenas noches a todos,

We are still learning new concepts and vocabulary this week and will be finishing up chapter 4  before we go to Washington D.C.  We will be revisiting "er" and "ir" verbs,  adding on new verbs to our lists, continuing our invitations and responses, working the verb "to go" as a future tense, doing some more listening activities, practicing our new verbs, and having a quiz on this material at the end of the week. There will be a chapter 4 test next week, probably Thursday, that will include all of the above plus classes, school supplies, all the verbs, the verbs "venir" and "tener" plus all the tener expressions, review of time, and adverbs of time.

We now have finished picking our new Spain map partners, changed seats and groups, and will continue to practice our new vocabulary. We will be doing more partner and group activities to finish off the week before the quiz. We are also finishing and continuing to pass back more papers and classwork that we started before the third term started. We all need to be focused, work diligently for the rest of the term, and complete all the classwork and homework in order to have a successful third trimester. There might be some extra emails going home to encourage more timely homework!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: pagina 45 #19 y pagina 46 # 21 y 22. ¡Estudien!
martes noche: pagina 37 # 16 y pagina 38 #18  ¡Estudien!
miércoles noche: pagina 47 # 23 y 24 y pagina 48 # 25 y 26  ¡Estudien!
jueves noche: pagina 35 # 13, pagina 36 # 14, parte 2 vocabulario, y ¡ESTUDIEN! Hay un examencito  mañana.
viernes noche: nada

Buena suerte.     Señora Schneider  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

¡Buenos dias a todos!

¡Bienvenidos a la primavera! Welcome to spring! It's not quite here yet, but hopefully it's on it's way. This week will be a bit mixed up as we have a half day Wednesday and  MCAS on Thursday and Friday, grades closing and being finished and report cards on Friday. We started the week with a Soduko puzzle in Spanish using vocabulary instead of numbers. There were some students who were not familiar with this type of puzzle so it was a bit challenging. Working with a partner helped immensely.

We will also be adding to our adverb vocabulary, verb vocabulary, and school supply vocabulary. We are going to start a unit on invitations and how to invite friends and family to various activities that we have learned. We will also learn how to accept and refuse politely to invitations. We will also be learning the immediate future with the verb "IR", which is to go and do some communicative activities with a partner. Hopefully, we will rearrange the room and get new seats and new groups and set our selves up with a new partner map. We will also have listening activity in there too. No quizzes this week!

Tarea por esta semana:

lunes noche: pagina 36 ejercicio 15, pagina 43 # 15 y 16.
martes noche: pagina 37 ejercicio 17, pagina 40 # 22.
miércoles noche: pagina 35 ejercicio 12, pagina 44 # 17 y 18.
jueves noche: pagina 39 # 19 y 20, pagina 45 # 20.

The goal is to finish chapter 4 before we go to Washington DC. That means we have 2 1/2 weeks to study and finish up. The third trimester flies by fast so we still need to work hard and move along. Don't get left behind! Another quiz next week and the test the week after.

This week I am staying Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday each day until 3:00 pm. There is no late bus this week, so you must find your own way home. ¡Buena suerte! Good luck.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

¡Buenos dias estudiantes y padres!

We are now in full swing with Chapter 4 with classes, school supplies, expressions with the verb "to have" such as to have hunger, thirst, to have to do something, to feel like doing something, to be in a hurry, to have an appointment, to be years old, and to be sleepy. We are finishing up notes on Costa Rica, writing many sentences using all of our expressions, and asking and responding to various questions. We continue to do listening activities, homework, and quizzes. We are also using the verb "venir" to come and will be brainstorming various places to come or to go in Spanish. Our calendar this month is about places to go.

Tarea por esta semana es:

lunes noche: calendario de lugares - 8 places in Spanish
martes noche: pagina 60 dos paginas - separate from the packet. Study to have expressions and to come for the quiz tomorrow.
miércoles noche: old packet - pagina 34.
jueves noche: paquete nuevo: paginas 36 #15, 40 #21, 41 # 14.
viernes noche: nada

Gracias  - Señora