Monday, April 29, 2013

Buenas tardes clase,

Here we are again with another shortened week with 2 half days and so much to learn! We started the family chapter last week and learned some more adjectives to describe our families and friends. We will be using those this week along with some new possessive adjectives and perhaps some new verbs. We chose new partners today using the  states of Mexico and saw where chihuahuas and tabasco sauce come from. We will be working with new partners tomorrow and finish getting back our artist projects so they can be put up on the bulletin boards. We have quite a few good artists in the 8th grade!

Our new country this chapter is Chile and we will be learning some more interesting facts within the next 2 weeks. We will also be having a quiz on Friday, May 3 on family members, adjectives, and possessive adjectives. We will also be having a family project coming up soon where the students will need to draw their family trees on both sides, label them in Spanish, and either draw pictures, get pictures on line, or scan photos from the family albums to present tot he class. There will be an essay in Spanish also. More details will follow soon.

Tarea para esta semana:

lunes noche: pagina 41, toda la pagina en el paquete
martes noche: pagina 52 toda la pagina y pagina 42 toda la pagina
miércoles noche: papel de adjetivos posesivos (possessive adjectives) , not in packet - hand out
jueves noche: papel de adjetivos posesivos y de vocabulario, no packet ¡estudien! examencito mañana
viernes noche: nada

¡Hasta mañana!    Señora Schneider

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Buenos dias a todos,

I have a couple of updates for this week. There will be a calendar for April due tomorrow and you will need to draw, color, and label in Spanish 8 spring things such as flowers, rain, baseball, etc. Anything that reminds you of spring. There is no homework on Thursday night. I cannot really stay today because there is a staff meeting after school. Thursday is still a half day, however, I can stay until 2:45 on Friday as I have an appointment at 3:00 that day.

Gracias,  Señora

Monday, April 1, 2013

Buenas Noches a Todos,

Well, we finished a successful Technology week with math, science, English, and bit of Venezuelan culture and geography mixed with facts about the Yanomami tribe. Thanks for all your attention and comments! We have another mixed up week this week, so we will be doing the "Artist Project". You will be researching a famous Hispanic artist, drawing one of his famous works, writing a short one page biography about the artist, presenting your findings in English in front of the class, and taking notes on a form about the artists that your classmates talk about. It should be fun and interesting and a lot of you are very good artists too!

The only homework this week will be to finish the project and get ready to present by Wednesday, April 3. There will not be any tests or quizzes this week, however, some of you need to finish the major chapter  4 test from March 22. I am staying after school Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday of this week. There is a half day Thursday and I might be able to stay until 2:30 on Friday. I will let you know. I am also available during most home room periods. Please come in and finish your test and perhaps retake a quiz.  After this week, the grade you have will be it. I want them all completed before we go to Washington and vacation!

In the meantime, have a good night, a good week, and good luck on your projects that are due Wednesday April 3. Señora