Tuesday, December 18, 2012

¡Hola Clase!

We are coming up on the last week before the holiday break and we are wrapping up a few items plus learning about holiday traditions in various Hispanic countries. We will also be making Mexican tin ornaments, finishing presentations from last week, playing "ponga" for a vocabulary review, and having a quick quiz on that vocabulary from pages 82 and 83 in the book on Wednesday.  We might also read a traditional holiday poem in Spanish and English and listen to some music as we make our ornamentos.

This week will be a lighter homework week:

lunes noche: pagina 23 en el paquete.
martes noche: pagina 18 and the vocabulary sheet that I will pass out in class. Study for quiz tomorrow. The quiz is on the verbs that we have learned so far the nouns that go with them. No sentences, just fill in the blanks.
miércoles noche: If you have any sharpies, bring them in tomorrow for our ornaments.
jueves noche: nada
viernes noche : nada

I want to wish all my students and their families and happy and safe vacation and Happy Holidays no matter what your traditions are! ¡Feliz Navidad! from Señora Schneider

Monday, December 10, 2012

¡Buenas tardes a todos!

This week, we are starting Chapter 3 and will really be ramping up what we learn. We are now starting to learn about the different types of verbs in Spanish such as "AR", "ER", and "IR". We started a verb list, will be composing a list of nouns that go with the new verbs, using pictures to help us with the action words, learning how to use "con" = with,  learning about the verb to want = "querer", working with partners while using the pictures, playing a few words games and finishing our presentations from last week, and probably having a short quiz on Friday on the new verbs and nouns.

Flashcards might be helpful for the verbs and the nouns that go with them. Studying the expressions  will be helpful when we have our class activities. This chapter will separate the men/the women from the boys/the girls. If you have not been studying much, it will catch up with you now.

Tarea por la semana:

lunes noche: paquete nuevo: pagina 25 ejercicios #1 y #3, pagina 28 toda la pagina. (whole page).
martes noche: paquete:  pagina 26 ej #4, pagina 29 toda, pagina 30 #15.
miércoles noche: paquete: pagina 21 toda, pagina 25 ej #2, pagina 26 ej # 4 y 5.
jueves noche: paquete: pagina  22 toda, pagina 30 #16 y 17. !estudien los verbos and el vocabulario!
viernes noche: nada    

La semana proxima (next week)

Holiday traditions in different Hispanic countries, mexican tin ornaments, ponga, make ups before vacation, listening activities, video dialogs, and other fun activities.

¡Hasta mañana!  Señora Schneider

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Buenas tardes a todos,

This week, we are finishing up Chapter 2 about our likes, dislikes,  and how  to  describe them. We are also doing our oral presentations in front of the class with our pictures that we drew of ourselves. The students need to have their face, their name, their made up age, their capital and country, 4 adjectives describing themselves,  2 likes and 2 dislikes and tell us why they like and dislike their items. They also need their telephone number or their email address. We will be doing a few presentations everyday while the audience takes notes. This is a culminating activity of almost everything that we have learned so far so it will count as a test grade, the picture is a quiz grade, and the notes are a classwork grade. We started the presentations last week and they will be going until next week.

We are also having a test this week on Chapter 2 on the same things as mentioned above. We have been reviewing in class with partners and doing classwork together, plus having homework that reflects the review. Most of us should be in good shape. It will help if you look over the noun vocabulary, the adjectives, the cultural notes on Puerto Rico, gustar, "de" the subject pronouns, the question words,  how to use por qué vs. porque, "no" and how to conjugate "ser".

Tarea por la semana del 3 de diciembre:

lunes noche: finish vocab sheet both halves, finish pronoun sheet and question sheet that I passed out.
martes noche: finish the story paper that we started in class -need 10 sentences min. Will be graded. Study!
miércoles noche: calendario de diciembre- 8 holiday/winter items in color and labeled in Spanish
jueves noche: In the book -pages 82 and 83. Put new verbs in notebook. "AR" verbs on "ar page, "ER" verbs on er page, "IR verbs on ir page.
viernes noche: nada  

Please study for the test on Chapter 2. Use flashcards if you are shaky on the vocabulary.  Keep practicing for your presentation if you have not already done it!

Hasta mañana,   Señora Schneider